Saturday, August 8, 2009

9th meeting

1. How do you describe a responsible person?


A responsible person is doing her job and submitted her or his work at a time, and being a responsible person is caring for what he is doing and he know his or her responsibilities to be done at the exact time.


Your professor give you an assignment or an requirements that to be submitted on time, a responsible person will do it on a time and he will submit on a time because he know his responsibilities that he will be submitted it on a time and because his or her professor give the deadline or date when it will be submitted.

2.What is your responsibilities a) at home, b) in school, c) in your community?


My responsibility at home is to help my parent in their work like washing the dishes, cleaning the house, taking care of my younger sister and taking care of our house.

My responsibility in school is to accomplish all my requirement, submit my work at a time, being serious to my studies , study hard , pass the course that i choose and also being a good student....

My responsibility in our community is to clean the surrounding and being a helpful person to others and also taking care of our community and being conscious what is happening around the surroundings...

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